If you are an author wishing to contact us regarding purchasing your work, please do not send your book directly to the library as unsolicited material received by the library is considered a donation and may be sold in our book sales.

Most public libraries in New Zealand utilise specialist library suppliers like the ones listed below and do not purchase direct from publishers or authors. This allows libraries to reduce costs and to benefit from other services these suppliers provide. These benefits include the cataloguing and processing of books so that they arrive at the library “shelf ready” with covering and labelling already complete. To increase the likelihood of sales it is advisable for you to contact one or more of these types of suppliers to arrange to have your titles available via their catalogues.

Once you have come to an arrangement with one of our suppliers to list your works, you can then contact us to let us know that your book is available for order. Our purchasing decisions are guided by the Hamilton City Libraries Collection Policy.